Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I'm back

Hello All!
I've been overwhelmed. . .This my first post--better never than late, my father always said. . .I'm settling in with the busiest schedule I've had in about fifteen years and now have reached the point where I will be blogging daily. . .I'm enrolled in a master's program at Hamline and last night my class was given a brief tutorial on the technology available for research in our program. . .All I can say is wow!. . .I'm particularly interested in a citation tool called Zotero. . .With these tools, technology does everything but write the paper for you. . .Alas, the days of card catalogs, etc. . .Gone forever. . .See you this afternoon. . .
Dr. Faust


Linda said...

I'd like to know more about Zotero. Can you share at our meetings? Linda

Kita Vang Her said...

Hi Rick-
How neat to learn some new tools at Hamline-What is Zotero and how does it work?